Whilst there is currently a considerable amount of uncertainty over the regulations and the relatively new FFAR (‘FIFA Football Agent Regulations’) with the industry awaiting a key ruling from the ECJ (European Court of Justice), does the football agent industry really need a belated intervention from yet another authority?...

The UK Government's 'Independent Football Regulator' (IFR) is missing out on an opportunity to employ mediation to resolve what is in essence a ‘dispute’ (although it may be presented by some as a negotiation). A renegotiation of the deal between the Premier League EFL, has been reported as there being...

So, in endeavouring to bring mediation to the professional sports world and most notably football (soccer), my own journey has been one littered with huge frustration, bewilderment and annoyance at the seeming resistance of many to contemplate mediation or even understand it....

Football Agent Disputes Ready to Go from Busy to Overdrive - when those involved in football agent related disputes start to realise that there are alternatives to resolve disputes that save time, save money, puts them in control, and also undertake such processes confidentially ………… they will ‘wake up’ to...

Following the publication of FIFAs mediation guidelines in February 2023, and also some additional commentary and information gained from various webinars etc, I have developed serious reservations over time when it comes to FIFAs ‘mediation’ model and whether it is ‘true’ mediation or just a bumbling attempt at ‘arbitration on...

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